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White Paper

Technical White Papers

Construction Products Regulations & Fire Safety for Cables


Saving Lives and Protecting Buildings

At Leviton, we specialise in developing high-end world-class cabling and connectivity backed by unbeatable service and support. To better help our customers, we’ve put together a guide to new legislation from the EU. This white paper looks at fire safety standards for cabling within Construction Products Regulation (CPR) EU No 305/2011, implemented 1 July 2017.

What is CPR?

Construction Products Regulation (CPR) covers the marking of construction products within the European Union. With CPR, industry professionals, public authorities, and consumers have access to reliable information about a product’s specification and they can compare products from different manufacturers.

Construction products and building materials have to be CE marked in accordance with the essential requirements specified in the CPR. The CE mark shows that a construction product is fit for purpose and uses a common technical language to assess the performance of construction products. It is recognised throughout the European Economic Area (EEA) and represents a harmonised approach to setting and enforcing standards.

CE marked construction products meet seven basic requirements. For power, control, and communication cables, safety in the case of fire and sustainable use of natural resources are the two most important requirements.

10 pages | File Type: Adobe PDF | Size: 2.5 MB